Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Each One Teach One"

I used to teach a "Raising Financially Responsible Children" Seminar and people really enjoyed and I enjoyed doing it.

I am of the opinion all youth should be taught in school basic principles of fiscal responsibility. It is taken for granted that because some one can earn a check they can manage that check but it's 2 different sets of skills.

As adults if we we're not taught how to build wealth, manage money and have fiscal success we need to go out and learn about money, and then pass that education to our children. This process is one of the main reasons why the rich get richer.

Donald Trump is merely a product of a home that had a real-estate tycoon in it (his Dad). But many do not have such examples in our homes and in our lives so we must seek them out. It is said people will earn an income with in 20% of the people they associate most with.

Two books that can have a profound effect on your beliefs and skill with money are "Secrets Of A Millionaire Mind" ~by T. Harv Eker is a great start along with "The Richest Man in Babylon" ~ by George S Clason ! These two books give a strong foundation that a person can build on. After you have Acquired the knowledge, "Each one Teach one" - pass it on!

And remember this one last thought, there is nothing you know, language, walking, driving a car, etc... that you were not first taught how to do before you did it. In addition when first doing anything you were not immediately a master. As T. Harv Eker says..."Every Master was once a disaster." The same goes for money do not let your ego get in the way or feel embarrassed in any way that you are learning about finances, money management and building wealth and do not fear making mistakes, you will and it's ok.

Finally the state of the current economy is simply a reflection of it's individual parts, that's Us. So...

To get involved, share your ideas and learn from others, check this out:

"The three day Youth Summit, entitled Democracy 2.0: Exploring the Millennial Generation's ROI, standing for "return on investment," will focus on (1) exploring the barriers preventing today's younger generation from achieving financial health and (2) developing the action plans necessary to begin setting an agenda for millennial-led economic reform in the United States."

And this is a free Citizens guide available to print and for download in regards to the current economy and fiscal state of affairs.

Thank you and remember to leave your comments and share your thoughts and ideas!

Dallas M Cyr